
I'm a VET Communication Designer trained in Barcelona, Spain although most of my activity related to design has taken place in Switzerland.

My more-or-less related interests include cartography (you will often find me wandering with the phone in the hand while recording GPS waypoints to improve my surroundings in OpenStreetMap), languages (theoretically I can communicate with one third of the world population), open source and coding, at which I utterly suck am slowly improving.

If you need to drop me a line regarding any of the contents of this site, do not hesitate to write me.


Feel free to use any ideas you find useful in the texts (copying the texts themselves makes no sense). Feel also free to copy the stylesheets. Soon (hopefully) you will be able to download the full Zola theme.

Don't copy my graphic work, specially the commissioned, unless I liberate it through an open license.

The background gifs are the work of Marinus.


This site uses one single cookie to store the colourscheme (cold or warm) in use, in order to make the little dot in the menu work. The cookie is deleted when the browser is closed.